Kapita CCAP Church, under Nkhoma Synod in Lilongwe, Area 18 on Sunday awarded 23 Christian couples for attending and successfully completing a weeklong marriage seminar where the families renewed their covenant about marriage.
Awarding the certificates, Kapita Church Minister Reverend Easten Chisale said the original marriage of man and woman, was instituted by God Himself as justified in the old testament Genesis Chapter 2 verses 18 to 25 which explain about the making of a woman.
“And the rib, that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. It is not good for man to be alone.”

Rev Chisale then encouraged the awardees to communicate effectively in their families to reduce wrangles between them for God expects peace and love between a husband and wife.
Speaking on behalf of the awardees during English Service, Mr. Van Dussen whose wife is one of the church elders, said, “The marriage seminar renewed our marriage vows. We thank the reverend for preparing the seminar. It was great. Next time, let all couples attend.”
Receiving the certificates were also men and women of God holding top leadership positions at Kapita CCAP congregation with a Christian population of 2700 such as the session clerk Rogers Segula and his wife, chairperson of church service committee Davie Nyauti and his wife just to mention but a few.
Among the topics covered during the seminar were: tolerance and communication skills, reasons for God institutionalizing marriage, real-life situations and counselling in Christian families.
He condemned same-sex marriages saying that God can not condone such marriages but rather destroy them if some people try to practice them in God fearing nations like Malawi.