Traditional leaders in the area of Traditional Authority Wasambo in Karonga have underscored the relevance of outreach clinics in their area saying they are key in ending unplanned pregnancies amongst youths.
This came to light when Pamoza Tingakwaniska Youth Organization conducted an outreach clinic at Tilora Primary School on Monday in the area where Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) Services were being offered for free.

Guest of Honour, Group Village Head Kamtenthenga, representative of Traditional Authority Wasambo said the activity is vital in the area to reduce cases of unplanned pregnancies which are common amongst youths.
“This outreach clinic is very relevant in our area and it is a tool and key in ending cases of early marriages caused by unplanned pregnancies amongst youths because data shows that cases of unplanned pregnancies are very common in this area,” he said.
He has since called on other chiefs to encourage young people to opt for family planning methods being offered during outreach clinic and formulate bylaws that will help reduce cases of unplanned pregnancies.
Chairperson for Tilora Youth Club, Gracious Wasambo hailed the organization for the initiative saying it has helped in bringing sexual reproductive health services closer to community members who have been badly wanting them.
“We are very thankful today because this clinic has enabled most of us youths access family planning methods that have been far from us, and with this the number of unplanned pregnancies will reduce and we will be able to achieve our goals without being disturbed by unplanned pregnancies,” he said.
Programs manager for the organization, Gomezgani Mhango stated that it is the wish of the organization to help community members access SRH services loser to them hence the outreach clinic.
“We want community members to easily access these services because most of them are far from health centres and if need for SRH services arises they have to part ways with a huge some of money which is a draw back to accessing them by most people,” she said.
She has since called on parents to urge their children to utilize these outreach clinic so as to reduce cases of unplanned pregnancies and reduce transmission of sexually transmitted infections and diseases.
During the clinic, health personnel administered different family planning methods, HIV testing and counselling and different traditional dances were performed including drama on SRH, the organization also organized a football bonanza between Phapa football club and Tilora Young Stars.

The organization conducted the outreach clinic through its Wanangwa Wane project which is being implemented in TA Wasambo in Karonga and TA Mwenewenya in Chitipa with funding from Breuckmann Foundation and German Government Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation Development.
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