APM hit by realities from his DPP “once upon a time loyal supporters”

Chiyembekezo Mbewe
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3 Min Read

Who could fancy the once outspoken DPP spokesperson Nichola Dausi standing up against the Mutharikas?

But this is what reality looks like especially when the veil that shields you from the outside world falls.

Following what is happening in the DPP, it is clear now that senior DPP officials have never fancied a Peter Mutharika leadership. It is clear that even though he rose to become the country’s Head of State, this was a chance affair and forced, by his proximity to the powers then.

It is also becoming clear that if at all they loved him they did so because of the power he had.

As the President, Mutharika was an appointing authority and his inner circle had to pretend to be loyal to him to protect the privileges they enjoyed for being close to him otherwise, the recent developments in the party show that Mutharika is a lonely man.

When he was the Head of State, everyone smiled at him and they were willing to jump whenever they were commanded to do so, no wonder he was unanimously endorsed to contest again as the party’s Presidential candidate in the 2019 elections.

True to what they say that “he who owns gold makes the rules”, Mutharika was the law and his words were their command.

Now that he is no longer in power, same people who were worshiping him are disserting him one by one.

Those who are still with him are those who have outlived their relevance or those who want to rip off whatever is left of him financially. To some, Mutharika is their lifeline.

But there are those who don’t see Mutharika having any financial reward and they have since rebelled against him.

Take Dausi for example, this is the person who was at one point Mutharika’s Min of Information. Kondwani Namkhumwa served as Foreign Affairs Minister then the Minister of Agriculture. Two portfolios are considered good enough to be a step closer to the presidency. 

The same can be said of Mark Bottoman and Ralph Jooma whom Mutharika appointed into his cabinet despite previously serving in the PP administration.

But I understand these people. Like many Malawians they found Mutharika’s leadership lacking. Apart from the Mutharika name, his tittle, and some monies he has, is there anything substantial that Mutharika offer that be tempting to retain the support?

If Mutharika was as wise as we are meant to believe, he should have just thanked God for stumbling at the presidency and bow out gracefully before he embarrasses him. It’s time for a reality check.

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