Avatar of Chikumbutso Mtumodzi

Chikumbutso Mtumodzi

5 Articles

DPP: A Card House?

By now, every Malawian knows that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leadership succession battle has blossomed into a…

President Chakwera’s call for debt relief at UNGA immensely refreshing, IMF on board

President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera's call on the global north to consider writing off debts  could be a kicker…

Forecasting the Elections: Malawi Congress Party Way Ahead on the Race to 2025

This is the year of the Lord 2023. In 2025, just after next year, this country will once…

EIU prognostication on President Chakwera faulty, report belongs to trash bin

The UK-based Economist Intelligence Unit (EiU) has just released a country report apparently on Malawi, which has made…

APM and Music of Chairs  Politics

A few weeks ago, Goodall Gondwe, 84, who is DPP’s northern region Vice President, held a press conference…
