Avatar of Tiwonge Kampondeni - Mana

Tiwonge Kampondeni - Mana

5 Articles

Karonga registers three rabies related deaths

Karonga District has in July 2023 registered three rabies related death after the deceased were bitten by suspected…

MCP to build a K300 million party structure in Karonga

Malawi Congress Party (MCP) on Saturday launched construction of a state-of-the-art building in Karonga which will house the…

Twenty-five people die in a road accident in Karonga

Eighteen people died on the spot yesterday night while seven othersĀ  who are players and supportersĀ  of Nyungwe…

Party after party for Chitipa United FC

Chitipa United Football Club made history on Saturday following their 1-0 TNM Super League victory againstĀ  the defending…

Call for relief food support for Karonga District

Minister of Youth and Sports, Uchizi Mkandawire has said the people of Karonga need urgent food relief support…
