Chiefs cautioned against corruption

George Bulombola - Mana
3 Min Read

Chiefs across the country have been advised to refrain from all forms of corruption to enhance unity and peace amongst their subjects for the sake of development at all levels.

The advice was given Monday at Rumphi Boma by Minister of Local Government, Unity and Culture, Richard Chimwendo Banda, during the elevation ceremony of Sub Tradional Authority (STA) Chapinduka to traditional authority status and installation of STA Njikula.

The minister also elevated Group Village Head (GVH) Chipofya, GVH Chimphamba and GVH Chiwiriwiri to the status of STAs.

Chimwendo Banda said corrupt practices have lead, in many cases, to favoritism in targeting beneficiaries of safety nets initiatives such as Public Works Program, Social Cash Transfer Program and relief food distribution including land allocation.

“Corruption compromises government efforts which are geared at vulnerable households but only a few are reached out with such interventions.

“It is mostly deemed to be a vice at Capital Hill only, yet it starts from village level. I, therefore, advise you to be in the forefront in the fight against corruption,” said Chimwendo Banda.

The minister helps one the chiefs putting on a crown
The minister helps one the chiefs putting on a crown

He added that traditional leaders should also lead in fighting gender based violence which in many cases leads to forced and early marriages thereby depriving young girls from accessing education.

He, therefore, called upon traditional leaders to work with the government of the day and collaborate with Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe, members of parliament in fostering development in the district.

The minister commended Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe for delegating some of his powers to chiefs of under his jurisdiction for easy administration which, he said, attracts the leadership’s respect and trust.

He also advised Rumphi District Council officials to always be on the ground to check any suspected corrupt practice in implementation of government initiatives for the benefit of the intended households.

Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe advised traditional leaders to collaborate with him and work with government.

“Besides stipulated conditions which can make government dismiss you from the throne, I can recommend for your dismissal if you are lazy leaders,” warned Chikulamayembe.

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