Speaking during a sensitization meeting his office organized at Namitambo Market, he said Chiradzulu district is one of the districts registering high numbers of mob justice cases.
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“We saw it very important to sit down with members of the public to find ways of resolving this issue; there are a number of issues that have been tackled, right away each and every person has today known that he or she is not supposed to take the law into their own hands at any cost rather they have to report to relevant authorities if somebody has committed an offense, where the police will conduct investigations and take the case to court with enough evidence for the prosecution,” Chaima added.

He encouraged the community members to work with the Police in dealing with crime in their communities.
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“We have given them the phone number of Chiradzulu Police Officer In Charge so that they contact her immediately if anything goes wrong, when the suspect has been arrested transport will be arranged and he or she will be picked up,” Chaima said.
Senior Group Kuchombe said the meeting would help in ending mob justice in his area as people had received first-hand information from the Deputy Commissioner of Police.
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“This will be easy for us because the people have heard for themselves and when we go to our communities it will be easy for us to deliver this message as we will just be reminding them of the same,” he said.
Kuchombe requested more workers in community policing to increase security.
“We would like all 113 chiefs here to have community policing structures because this can ensure security in our communities,” he added