Speaking Monday, during the launching ceremony of the district’s 2022/23 Tree Planting Season at Lwambo Primary School in the area of Senior Chief Mwaulambya, District Forest Officer for Chitipa, Sitwell Banda cited the activities as wanton cutting down of trees for charcoal and shifting cultivation.
He, therefore, called for stakeholder efforts in addressing the situation, saying if left unchecked, the district will continue experiencing more hazardous disasters such as flush floods and strong winds.
“Some people continue relying on charcoal production as their source of livelihood despite the that the business is illegal,” said Banda.
In his remarks, Chairperson for Chitipa District Council, Thomson Kapesa urged communities in the district to be environmentally friendly by desisting from any form of activities that can lead to environmental degradation.
Senior chief Mwaulambya vowed to punish subjects, including his own subordinates, who would be found to be fueling the malpractice of deforestation.
Other delegates to the event included Member of Parliament for Chitipa Central Constituency Alinubila Mwenisongole, District Commissioner for Chitipa McMillan Magomero, the Officers In Charge of the Malawi Police and Prison, and Village Heads, amongst others.
FDH Bank contributed over five hundred trees seedlings to the council for the tree-planting exercise