The Civil Society Network on Climate Change conducted an organizational capacity assessment (OCA) to analyse the network’s strengths in contributing to a climate resilient Malawi. The OCA comes two years after an initial assessment conducted in 2022 which led to the development of their organizational development plan (OCD).
Speaking while facilitating the OCA and OCD plan development workshop, Leah Phiri, Save the Children’s CSO Capacity Strengthening Programme’s Project and Partnership Manager emphasized on the importance of the OCA to an organization’s development.
“OCA is a systematic analysis of all areas of an organization and once areas of improvement are identified and outlined in an OCD plan, there is need to dedicate resources to implement the plan,” she said.

Ms. Phiri explained that the OCA and OCD embodies the CSO Capacity Strengthening Programme as it scrutinizes an organizations status quo, it’s aspirations and execution plan. She further urged CISONECC Member organizations to utilize the knowledge and apply the OCA in their respective organizations.
In his remarks, Gift Numeri, CISONECC Board Chairperson, commended the OCA as being very crucial to ensure the Network delivers on its objectives.
“The Network plays a vital role in advocating for climate justice in Malawi and having the capacity to effectively execute this role is very important,” he said.

He urged the members to own the OCD plan and ensure its implementation.
The OCA was conducted under the CSO Capacity Strengthening Programme which CISONECC are partners are implementing the project with financial support from Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) through Save the Children Malawi.
Since the development of the OCD plan in 2022 the Network has made tremendous strides through development of key strategic documents and capacitating the members and secretariat for effective programming.