Economically, spiritually depressed Christians flock to Prophet Kambale for instant solutions

Zione Phiri - Contributor
6 Min Read

Malawians from all walks of life are flocking to Lilongwe-based man of God, Prophet Amos Kambale, the founder of Life International Church, to seek instant divine solutions.

On 28th January 2024, Kambale received visitors from Mangochi, Dedza, Ntcheu, Mchinji, Kasungu, Salima and Dowa who flocked to Mbinzi Secondary School Hall where the prophet conducts prayers every Sunday.

Asked why they travelled such distances, the Christians said they had heard about the miracles the prophet has been performing at his church; hence, they came to seek answers from their problems too.

They confessed that they had seen the power of God at work during the service.

“It was like going through the four gospels of the Bible live. What the prophet is doing is out of this world. Almost everyone he has prayed for confirmed to have been healed regardless of the magnitude of the problem”. Said a lady who travelled all the way from Mangochi identified herself as Ayamu Yasin.

Mr Samson Phiri from Salima, had been having leg pains and burning itches in the right leg for several months, before the prophet prayed for her, he received healing stood by himself and was able to walk properly unaided after the Prophet prayed en masse.

All the pains and burning itches left him instantly without being touched. He said Malawi is blessed to have a man of God who is helping a lot of people from their problems. He wished the prophet was based in Salisbury, but he said he will do his best to bring his entire family next Sunday so that they too should be blessed.

Within the same service Mr Laston Kavalo from Nanjiri whose leg could not fit into the trousers a week ago due to the swollen leg because of cancer, and it was impossible for him to put on shoes on that leg testified to the jubilation of the congregants.

The moment he was prayed for in church instantly, to the shock of everyone, the leg deflated. Doctors confirmed that he was indeed healed as no trace of cancer could be located.

Mr. Laston returned last Sunday, to praise and glorify God while putting on his shoes, indicating that God has fully healed him, also his previously affected leg was fitting well in the trousers, indeed God healed him through Prophet Kambale.

A lady from Area 18 Mrs Chaima who had been suffering from constant pains due to pneumonia on the left side came in front, the prophet declared, after I pray you will be free indeed.

When the prophet stretched his hands towards the lady, down to the ground, she went! A few seconds she was helped to stand up she was stretching herself, hands in the air she broke into tears of laughter. When she pressed that side that was giving her persistent pains she discovered she was fully healed to the glory of God.

Prophet Kambale ministering to visiting Christians at his church in Lilongwe

Mike Banda from Airwing Lilongwe said from December last year, he had searched for works to do but he couldn’t find any. As a skilled professional he could not understand why it was difficult to secure a job.

But today on 21st January, 2024 as the Man of God was praying for people he came straight to him and touched his head, a moment later while in the service, he received a phone call. When he picked it, the phone he heard he was invited to start a job with no interviews involved. Oh Thank you so much, Jesus.

On the prayer lit was also announced of a lady who stayed many years without marriage. No man was proposing to her. It was shiulted by one of the pastors ” Man od God, this woman says after you prayed for her 2 weeks ago, now 3 men have seriously approached her seeking her hand in marriage. Now she wants your help to choose the right one”. The prophet showed her a sign and she was so happy.

Prophet Kambale claims to have powers to remove poverty, demons and heal any sickness.

Surely there must be something the prophet has which draws people from such distant places while leaving behind many churches and pastors along the way. Could prophet Kambale be a real prophet with real Powers? He humbly says God in us is more powerful than any power against us in this world.

Prophet Kambale says he enjoys ministry coaching from his spiritual father Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa.

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