
FPAM moves to reduce abortion related deaths

According to FPAM’s Service Delivery Manager- Modester Kasawala, maternal deaths continue to rise in the country due to self-induced abortion, delay, and lack of access to post-abortion treatment.

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She said: “Majority shun post-abortion complication treatment in hospitals because they are afraid of being arrested especially since the law prohibits self-induced abortions in the country which is increasing maternal deaths”.

Kasawala service delivery manager for FPAM

Among others, the NGO is training healthcare workers in public hospitals, health centers, and clinics on the best practices for the management of cases of abortion complication care services while other facilities are supported with post-abortion.

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It is also conducting sensitization among women and girls to increase awareness and improve hospital turn up to access treatment after abortion.

Commenting on the same, Bwaila hospital Safe Motherhood Coordinator, Teresa Kabaghe, hailed the initiative saying that both the training for healthcare workers and equipment given will improve quality service delivery in hospitals.

Kabaghe: The initiative will improve health delivery services

She said the supervision and mentorship conducted in health facilities will help in advancing knowledge and skills for healthcare workers in their provision of post-abortion care services in a bid to reduce abortion complications.

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The 43 million projects supported by Large Anonymous Donors (LAD), are being implemented in six facilities in both public and private hospitals, clinics, and health centers in Lilongwe that include Bwaila, Area 25 health center, Kabudula community hospital, Nambuma, Chiunjiza, and Kawale FPAM clinic.

While in Ntcheu district, four health centers, a hospital, and one clinic are benefiting from the program. They include Ntcheu hospital, Katsinja, Sasekera, Lizulu, Kandewu, and FPAM Ntcheu clinic.

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Currently, the existing laws in the country restrict access to safe abortion under sections 149,150, and 151 of the penal code while section 243 makes exceptions by allowing abortion only when the health and life of a woman are in danger.

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