Luthando Holdings Limited, defunct Stansfield Motors Limited accused of creating confusion on Yamaha products dealership

Chiyembekezo Mnyeriwa - Contributor
6 Min Read

Accusing fingers are pointing at Luthando Holdings Limited and defunct Stansfield Motors Limited as being the ones fanning confusion in the dealership of Yamaha products from Yamaha Motor Corporation of Japan.

The accusation follows the High Court order the two entities obtained restraining Paramount Holdings Limited (PHL) from publishing information in relation to the agreement the latter made with Yamaha Motor Corporation.

Certificates showing that Paramount Holdings Limited is the sole importer and seller of Yamaha products in Malawi
Certificates showing that Paramount Holdings Limited is the sole importer and seller of Yamaha products in Malawi

However, local media reports indicate that Luthando Holdings Limited used Stansfield Motors limited name with a bogus address to obtain an injunction stopping Yamaha Motor Corporation from awarding sole dealership of Yamaha to PHL.

This follows revelations that different lawyers with default judgments against disbanded Stansfield Motors flocked the High Court in Blantyre to learn on the physical address of Stansfield Motors as presented to the High Court.

It has been learnt that Luthando Holdings filed for the injunction using a bogus address for Stansfield Motors limited that ceased to exist in 2019.

Stansfield Motors was declared bankrupt for failing to pay bank loans of MK5 billion, consequently being closed and disbanded.

Currently, former Stansfield Motors workers are in court claiming their dues.

In another desperate attempt, it has been learnt that Luthando Holdings contacted Mr. Joseph Chikwemba of Malawi Embassy in Japan to write letters of recommendation for possible award of dealership to Luthando Holdings and other companies.

Embassy offices are designed to handle diplomatic mission affairs, not individuals matter the way Chikwemba and his team are being used on Yamaha dealership.

The truth of the matter is that Hendrix Laher is the one who went to Fiscal Police in 2021 to lounge a complaint that Paramount Holdings were using fake dealership manufacturer authorisation a case Paramount is answering right now in court despite the fact that Luthando Holdings has been using a fake Yamaha dealership authorisation up to date.

The claims are not true as PHL is certified as sole Yamaha products distributors.

Surprisingly, Hendrix Laher was arrested in 2017 for allegedly aiding and obtaining Malawian citizenship illegally.

Unfortunately, the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) is still sitting on Laher’s case.

But after speaking with Yamaha Corporation Southern Africa representative, he said the Company knows everything about Luthando Holdings’ claims and that are surprised that Luthando is showing the interest of dealership when he has been fighting the same brand throughout.

This is testified in a desperate attempt in 2022 when Hendrix Laher wrote letters to the Attorney General complaining about Paramount Holdings and asked the office to black list the organization so that it should be stopped from selling Yamaha and a copy was sent to Yamaha Corporation through Malawi Japanese Embassy.

Unfortunately, the Malawi Japanese Embassy has been used to solve personal business matters instead of diplomatic mission for international affairs.

Chikwemba, as a head at Malawi Embassy in Japan, must tread carefully on using his office to handle diplomatic mission affairs.

This did not yield apart from cooking propaganda against Paramount Holdings that event court summons on matter have no basis.

Luthando Holdings and its partners are bitter with the recent pronouncement of Japanese leading automobile manufacturer Yamaha Motors company by certifying PHL as a sole importer and seller of Yamaha products for Malawi.

A letter of authorization between Yahama and PHL signed by Ryuji Kuwano, Yamaha’s Group Manager for Africa Market Development Division and Overseas Market Development Operation Business Unit says the agreement is effective from November 2022.

According to the agreement, the listed products for the Malawi market include Yamaha motorcycles, outboard motors, water pump generators, spare parts, and others.

“Whereas YAMAHA MOTOR CO, LTD, who are official manufacturers of Yamaha products, having factories at 2500, Shingai, Iwata, Shizuoka, 438-8501, Japan, do hereby confirm that Paramount Holdings Limited, a private corporation having its principal place of business at P.O. BOX2736, Lilongwe, Malawi, is our officially appointed importer for the Yamaha Motorcycles, Outboard motors, Water pumps Generators, and spare parts for the territory of Malawi, under the terms and conditions of the agreement made between us and them on November 1,  2022”, reads part of agreement letter signed by Kuwano and which PHL has published in a local newspaper.

Before Yamaha Motors Corporation certifies any local firm for dealership, there is a vigorous process of accessing their capacities with due diligence.

In this regard, Luthando Holdings and its associates failed to meet the conditions.

Eventually, Yamaha Motors Corporation is an international firm certified PHL as legit Yamaha products distributor, importer, and seller.

So, with Yamaha Motors certification on PHL as sole sellers and importer for Yahama products to Malawi, what’s the basis of dragging the legit firm to court?

Luthando and its partners are jealous and bitter with PHL that their plans of using fake and non-existence Yamaha authorities will not yield anything.

Luthando has never slept over PHL success by winning government contracts due to its capacity of delivery.

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