Foreign Christians have started flocking to Life International Church in Lilongwe where they say they have their share of anointing, healing and prophecies from Prophet Amos Kambale.
Kambale is the founder and overseer of the church, which he prophetically dubbed ‘international’ at its launch in 2016. By the time he was launching the church, there were just a few local members.
But now, the church has started receiving Christians from other countries such as Mozambique, Zambia, South Africa and Kenya.

Two weeks ago, two Mozambicans travelled all the way from Tete to be healed from their diseases.
The two were all healed even before the prophet touched them. One had left side stroke, which was causing him to have difficulties in walking. Right in the service, the man was seen jumping around testifying what God had done for him through Prophet Kambale’s ministry.
It happened so quickly before he was prayed for. The other one had sharp pains for 11 years in his right arm so that he could not use it to hold anything. But lo and behold, right in the service he was able to swing that same arm without feeling any pain even demonstrably holding some weight.
A week later, a Zambian woman, who claims that she was divorced six times due to her barrenness, visited the church. Holding a child in her hand, she testified that she got the baby after Prophet Kambale prayed for her 15-year-old barrenness two years ago.
This time, she came due to mysterious strange movements in her body, which were healed just by being present in the service even before the prophet prayed for her. It was a strange disease that made her cross the borders after four hospitals in Zambia failed to assist her.
But what is pulling people to Life International Church?
Different people have different reasons as why they patronise Prophet Kambales church. We got hold of a few individuals at the end of the service.
A young man who seemed passionate about the preaching at the end of the service, he had this to say, “I was jobless for five years after graduating from LUANAR in 2019, I thought life was useless. In fact, I was even contemplating of committing suicide due to my hopelessness because of lack of job. I tried everything, but it did not work. I started attending Prophet Kambale’s services in February this year. His teachings were so unique from what I heard as sermons before, they were giving me hope. In March, I was called for two interviews and in April I secured a job. Now am working, I can see the future. The prophet has given me life line. Now I can think of marriage. I used to hate anyone who is called a prophet, but I have been helped by Prophet Kambale. And Prophet Kambale is a different breed of Prophet. His teachings are practical and life changing.”
A businessman from Area 25 had this to say
You see I have a maize mill which was only making a maximum of K9, 000 per day. I did not believe what I saw when the Monday after people were just coming and he made K50, 000 for the first time! Such a jump.
I had a wound that was not healing for 2 years. The wound was persistently producing pus and water. I had to walk with handkerchief. I tried hospitals (finished 3 health passports along the way) and herbalists but to no avail. I only attended Prophet Kambale’s service once. That night i slept so well with no pain for the first time. And the following morning the wound dried up! Am amazed. I can’t stop attending.
What baffles many is that when one visits the church there are all classes of people, as depicted by their means of transportation. One is clearly greeted by cars, motor bikes, bicycles and some even attached the services walking 10s of kilometers just to be in the service Prophet Kambale is preaching. You see this is the work of the Holy Spirit. We have people travelling from Ntcheu, Kasungu, Mzuzu Blantyre coming just to attend our services. There is something invisible about the divine so strong that makes people travel such long distances. It is the power of the Holy Spirit.
A lady from Salima was diabetic, hypertension and had arthritis. She was lying on the floor, lifeless, throughout the service. She came being held by people on both sides. When prophet Kambale stretched his hands towards her she began shaking by the power of God. Immediately she stood up, stood, walked and danced by herself to the amazement of everyone.
The prophet preaches messages that resonates very well with our conditions and he is offering instant solutions to the sick, the demon oppressed, the broken marriages and poor are getting wisdom and grace for money. The prophet is our solution. And we are appreciating that more people should realise the gift that the prophet is to this nation and this region.

Last month, the prophet claimed that he raised a baby in her mother’s womb whom two hospitals declared dead in the womb. After the prophet offered prayers, the baby was delivered alive.
This Sunday the 9th April, Prophet Kambale has dubbed his service Sunday of Instant Miracles, which he said people should come prepared in mind to see prompt healings, deliverance, prosperity and above all spiritual lives uplifted.
The church congregates in Mbinzi Community Day Secondary School Hall in Area 3 in Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe.
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