Mangochi District Health Office (DHO) on Tuesday launched an expanded Polio Campaign that seeks to sensitize communities about the ongoing administration of Polio vaccine to children under the age of 14 to ensure that they are protected from the disease.
Speaking during the launch at Mpondasi Market in the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Mponda, Immunization Officer for the District Health office, Alinafe Hauya said that they are targeting 650 000 to be vaccinated from various communities of the district.
Hauya also said that the vaccine will be administered to children who are zero to 14 years and also 28 days if the child is 15 years old.
“We have launched this expanded campaign today in preparation for the campaign that is starting Wednesday, July 12. The vaccine will be administered for four days, as such, the launch is to make sure communities are aware that the program is on,” said Hauya.
He added that the DHO has lined up a number of activities to ensure that the campaign is a success such as door to door vaccine administration.
“Our health workers will be going door by door, visit Markets, Schools, Churches and Mosques to vaccinate our children,” he said.
The Immunization Officer has however asked communities to stop disseminating false information about the vaccine, saying the vaccine has no side effects on the body of persons.
” We have had challenges on increased myths and misinformation about the vaccine for example people say the vaccine reduces fertility rate of the child. Such myths and misinformation have made others not to get interested to vaccinate their children,” said Hauya as he encouraged the parents to ensure that their children are vaccinated.
Council chairperson for Mangochi District, Ivy Sande, commended the DHO for the efforts they are doing to ensure that children are protected from the disease.

Sande therefore advised parents from preventing their children to get vaccinated.
” We need to work together starting from the community level in making sure that people are vaccinating their children. It’s not the work of the Health Surveillance Assistants alone, but also us leaders of the community to help the district register positive strides in the campaign,” she said.
Chrissy Kamanga from Group Village head Chipeta welcomed the campaign, describing it as timely as the district is fighting hard to contain the disease.
The campaign which will run for four days is being implemented with funds from UNICEF and World Health Organization