Monday’s medical staff planned sit-in gets endorsement from professional bodies

Gladys Nthenda
Written By:
Gladys Nthenda - Senior Editor
4 Min Read

The Society of Medical Doctors (SMD) has backed the planned indefinite sit-in by the National Organization of Nurses and Midwives of Malawi (NONM) and the Physician Assistants Union of Malawi (PAUM) set to commence on Monday, 10th June 2024 in all public and CHAM Hospitals across the country.

This is contained in a solidarity letter signed by the Society’s President Dr. Victor Mithi dated 9th June.

He stressed that Malawi faces a significant shortage of healthcare workers, a fact often overshadowed by the tireless dedication displayed by all workers in serving their nation of which there is no quid pro quo in terms of remuneration and benefits.

“SMD firmly believes that the demands raised by NONM and PAUM have a direct impact on all healthcare workers and therefore warrant urgent attention. Consequently, we call upon the government to promptly address these legitimate and well-grounded concerns before the healthcare system slips into total anarchy.

“In light of this, SMD fully endorses the planned sit-in and urges the Ministry of Health to address the grievances raised by NONM and PAUM as a matter of urgency”. reads the letter

Doctors captured attending to babies in nursery

The views are also supported by the Medical Doctors Union of Malawi (MDUM) a registered trade union according to Section 11(3) of the Labour Relations Act (Cap54: 01).

MDUM President Dr. Collins Mitambo in a letter addressed to Secretary for Health stated its goal is to ensure that Doctors are working in a safe and conducive environment that will enable them discharge their work diligently.

He acknowledged the scheduled sit-in will result in disruption of services which will affect the minimum recommended staff requirements set by the Medical Council of Malawi and the Ministry of Health.

“This letter therefore, serves to inform your office that all Medical Doctors will not be able to perform their duties if their work environment is deemed not safe or does not meet the minimum staff requirements caused by the sit-in. This letter further seeks to remind your office that the Medical Doctors in Malawi are still eagerly waiting for your response pertaining to the issues which the Union raised in its letter dated 16th of February, 2024.

Scheduled to do a sit-in on Monday: Malawian health professionals

“Among others, the Union asked the Malawi Government to recruit all unemployed Senior Medical Officers, to consider the provision of housing and transport allowance to all Medical Doctors working within your Ministry and to increase the risk and professional allowance”.

Another registered professional body, the Anaesthesia Association of Malawi (AAM) has also spoke in support of all the grievances by PAUM and NONM.

“Being fully aware about how critical the services that our members provide (though not appreciated by the employer) we would like all Hospital Administrators to make arrangements with their anaesthestists in terms of locums or whatever will suit both parties so that the emergency services will not be interrupted. The AAM will uphold all its standards as constituted in Chapter 4 article 4.1.

“We therefore advise all anaesthestists in different facilities to join the sit in until the resolutions have been communicated”.   

Senior Editor
A journalist with over 10 years all round media experience in Television, print, radio, and online platforms with a particular interest in health and climate change reporting. I love writing stories on vulnerable and marginalized societies to bring about the necessary change in their lives. Loves traveling, reading news related articles and listening to all genres of music.
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