MOC trains 20 sports administrators in Phalombe

Nthanda Times Reporter
2 Min Read

Malawi Olympic Committee (MOC) has highlighted the need for sports administrators to have adequate skills for them to execute sports professionally in various sectors.

Phalombe District Council in partnership with MOC organised a three day Sports Management and Development training for 20 sports administrators in sports management and development which ended on Thursday.

In an interview with MOC President, Jappie Mhango, said well-trained sports administrators can help those in the technical areas and athletes with improved execution of sports development activities.

Sports administrators posing with MOC officials. Pic by Doreen Kachingwe-Mana

“Sports is divided into three different groups which are administrators, coaches and players, so if there is no good relationship between these three groups, sports industry cannot bring any impact in the country. This training will help sports administrators to gain new skills on how to handle issues in as far as sports in concerned,” he said.

Phalombe District Sports Officer, Edward Malumero, hopes the administrators will use the sports management skills acquired to improve sports development in the district.

“Administrators are responsible for making decisions and policies with regards to sports development. We believe that after training them they will be able to execute sports management skills acquired to improve the way we organise and administrate sports activities in the district,” explained Malumero.

Phalombe District Council is expecting to produce athletes who can represent the district at regional or national level as a result of the training. The training is targeting 120 sport administrators in the district

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