Mtumbuka urges youths to dream big

Moses Nyirenda
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3 Min Read

One of the country’s renowned Information and Communications Technology (ICT) experts, Dr Mathews Mtumbuka has advised youth in the country to dream big when pursing various innovative ideas.

He made the remarks Friday in Lilongwe when he presided over the launch of ICT utility known as AFLIT which has been made by youth led ICT Company called Neytech Solutions to provide the public with wide range of information and multimedia content among others.

Mtumbuka said that innovations by the youth would help to solve the challenges which the country was currently facing hence the need for the youth to dream big when pursuing their innovative ideas.

“People get very comfortable with small things, so you will find a lot of them start well and do well but in short period of time you will find that they are not flying anymore because they did not aim high, Malawi will not grow out of poverty if we remain like that.

“We need people who think really big in this case I see youth having international ideas where they can recruit investors beyond Malawi to use the e-resource that would make us earn a lot of Million dollars which could be part of the solutions to problems like Forex and fuel challenges that we are currently talking about,” he said. 

Mtumbuka: We need people who think really big-pic by Moses Nyirenda.

Mtumbuka applauded Neytech Solutions for introducing AFLIT and encouraged them to aim high and help in bringing up solutions to the problems which the country was facing.

“Neytech should be thinking as a company born in Malawi, based in Malawi, but having reached beyond Malawi, across the whole Africa and even beyond that,” he said.

The ICT Expert advised the older people to also embrace what young people are doing in the country in order to assist in dealing with the challenges which the country is experiencing.

Mushali, during the launch of his product.

“On another side I would like to challenge my fellow older people, we do not see many older generations people in their 40s, 60s, and above who are going into entrepreneurship to create jobs to solve the problems of the country.

“I think we should learn from these young people they are inspiring us, they are showing us the way, we are the people who have more resources, more capital, more ideas and more experience to do even more,” he explained.

Neytech Solutions Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kondwani Mushali said that as the company they are on mission to come up with more innovative ideas that would promote education, create jobs and help in addressing some challenges which the country is going through.

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