NGO donates medical supplies to health centres

Emmanuel Moyo
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3 Min Read

Karonga based Pamoza Tingakwaniska Youth Organization has on Thursday donated K640, 000 worth of medical supplies to Nyungwe and Iponga Health Centres in a bid to improve Sexual reproductive Health service delivery with a call to authorities to use the supplies for intended purpose.

The donation follows a need assessment that the organization conducted in the health centres for its Fiska Ulato project.

Programs manager for the organization, Gomezgani Mhango said the Organization decided to make the donation in order to ease challenges patients were facing pertaining to sexual reproductive health (SRH) and improve service delivery.

“We have made this donation today because we want to make sure that no mother or woman is sent home without being assisted accordingly or sent to purchase items for treatment in SRH from private pharmacies due to their unavailability in the health centres.

“We want to see a smooth running of Family Planning Methods delivery in our health centres so that women no longer dig deep into their pockets,” she said.

She has since warned authorities in the centres against misusing the donated supplies but rather to use them for their intended purpose.

The consignment included; Gause Saure, examination gloves, cotton wool, pregnancy test lignocaine, 5cc syringes, 10cc syringes, buffen tablets, plaster spirit, surgical blades, emergency pills, omeprazoie, washing soap and hand washing soap.

Lucia Kumwenda, an expectant mother at Nyungwe Health Centre from Kishombe Village complained that most women needing help relating to SRH have to dig into their pockets when nurses ask them to purchase some items that the centres lack.

On her part, Nurse midwife technician for Nyungwe Health Centre, Emmah Sikwese expressed gratitude after receiving the donation calling it timely and of utmost help.

Pamoza officials symbolically presenting the donation at Iponga Health centre

“We are very much thankful for the donation today, our centre serves a number of community members and yet what the government supplies is not enough, we fall short of most supplies so this donation has come at the right time and it is of great help as these community members will benefit,” Sikwese said.

Leonard Ng’oma, Nurse midwife technician for Iponga Health Centre concurred with Sikwese saying Iponga Health centre is not spared from challenges of lacking medical equipment and supplies.

“We thank the organization for a timely help, we did not have these supplies here at our pharmacy and we have been facing a lot of challenges so this will help us deliver services smoothly and we promise to make proper use of it.

Pamoza Tingakwaniska made the donation through its Fiska Ulato project which is being implemented with financial help from Breuckmann foundation.

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