Ntchisi registers sudden jump in voter registration

Watipaso Mzungu
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1 Min Read

The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) registered a sudden jump in voter registration in the final days of the first phase of the exercise.

The development has inspired hope in the stakeholders such as the National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Public Trust.

NICE District Programme Officer for Ntchisi, Adam Disi, attributed to the sudden jump in voter registration to intensified civic and voter education his organization conducted whilst the exercise was going on.

© 📷 Adam Disi, Ntchisi NICE District Programme Officer

“The district has registered around 141, 020 people. And if we compare with 2019 registrants, that was at 198, 265, this represents 71 percent,” said Disi.

He disclosed that NICE has devised several strategies for mobilizing the registered voters to cast their ballots.

“Our desire is to see all the registered voters casting their ballots. And we are working very hard to achieve zero-percent voter apathy,” explained Disi.

Meanwhile, MEC has announced that the second phase of the registration exercises will take place from November 9 to November 22, 2024 in selected districts.

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