World Vision Malawi held a series of nutrition dialogues in Nkhoma, Lilongwe, engaging children and community stakeholders to address the root causes of child hunger and malnutrition.
The sessions were designed to foster collaboration and develop actionable strategies to combat food insecurity, particularly in the context of climate change and traditional farming challenges.
Harold Munthali, World Vision’s District Manager for Lilongwe told Nthanda Times that the dialogues revealed a strong political will to address issues of hunger among children, with local leaders and community members showing great interest in finding solutions.
“There is political will in this area, which is encouraging. People are discussing the root causes of child hunger, and we are beginning to see positive steps. For example, one recurring issue is that families often sell most of their farm produce, leaving little for household consumption. The fact that communities are willing to address such cultural norms is a significant step forward,” said Munthali.

The dialogue emphasized the importance of sustaining such conversations to address the root causes of child hunger comprehensively in the area.
According to Munthali, the ongoing dialogues will serve as a foundation for future interventions, helping to address immediate needs while also creating long-term strategies for food security and improved nutrition.
“This is just the beginning. We plan to continue these dialogues to provide a platform where children and stakeholders can regularly engage in meaningful conversations about food security and nutrition. The insights we gather will inform future interventions and drive sustainable solutions,” added Munthali.

A session with the pastors’ fraternal, local chiefs, and village development committees resulted in actionable commitments, including educating congregations on the importance of reserving food for household consumption—a proactive approach that Munthali praised as vital for raising awareness and driving change in communities.
Group village Nsambo, Yusuf Masininga said it became very difficult for village heads to rule its people with an empty stomach hence also reduces development in the area as people are falling to do their jobs since they depend on farming.

“As chiefs, we find it difficult when we invite people from our areas to discuss various development issues, as many fail to attend due to the hunger situation. This also affects children, who resort to bad behaviors, such as theft, to feed themselves. Therefore, the arrival of such dialogues will greatly assist us in addressing these challenges and enabling us to intervene in these issues within our communities,” he said.
Concurring with the village head Nsambo, Tiyamika Ganizan member for Citizen Voices Action said there is need for civic education and adaptation of new technological agriculture practices the likes of encouraging people to practice irrigation farming practices to eradicate hunger which causes malnutrition among children.
In attendance was also Francisco Zalimba from pastors fraternal who also said it became very difficult to preach the word of God for people who are hungry.
Among other attendees there were also representatives from mother group and village development committees were they were also encouraged to take action by sensitising people in their communities to find solutions causing drought and malnutrition in their perspective areas.
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