Phalombe needs more innervations on HIV and AIDS

Linda Likomwa - Mana
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2 Min Read

Phalombe district needs more interventions and AIDS response to deal with the current 15.5 percent prevalence which is still high compared to the national prevalence of 9 percent.

Speaking on Friday during District level commemoration of World AIDS Day, Phalombe District Hospital Public Relations Officer, Daniel Chilomo said the HIV prevalence is still high in the district and there was need for all sectors to collaborate in HIV and AIDS response.

“The prevalence rate is worrisome, but we are trying hard as a district to deal with this by collaborating with various organisations that are implement HIV and AIDS programmes in the district,” Chilomo said adding that the figures are also high because some clients are from Mozambique.

He further said the district also face challenge in tracing some clients due to the closure of Phalombe and Nkhulambe Health Centers which were affected and washed away (respectively) by Tropical Cyclone Freddy induced rains.

Some of the displays during World Aids Day commemoration in Phalpmbe. Pic Linda Likomwa. (Mana)

Chilomo added that some clients resorted not to register again while others have no stable clinic to receive ARVs and expressed concern that this affects records of the clients.

Phalombe District Council, Chairperson, Councilor, Person Lesten Kondwani said the council will continue working together with partners in HIV and AIDS response through various ways and means including mass awareness on HIV testing, HIV prevention and adherence to ARVs.

Phalombe registered 63,771 clients since 2001 when they started administering ART and 35,370 are still on ART with a default rate of 0.2 percent due to religious beliefs.

Malawi commemorates World Aids Day on December 1 and this year’s theme is ” Let communities lead by spreading love and showing solidarity in ending AIDS.”

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