Pictorial Focus; Going cassava way

Steve Chirombo
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3 Min Read

At the expense of erratic rainfalls and change in weather witnessed by the recent farming season and the seasons before, people are now thinking of crop diversification.

We have of late seen NGOs, well-wishers and politicians calling for a move away from the usual maize farming to other crops that survive even when weather conditions are not favorable; a development most community members have welcomed with both hands. All this to ensure there is food on the table.

Recently, Dedza North legislator, Shavel Kafwafwa joined the cassava cuttings distribution where over 500 households under Senior Chief Tambala in the district benefited. Malawi News Agency (Mana) photojournalist, STEVE CHIROMBO, attended the event and took some pictures.

A heap of cassava cuttings yet to be sorted
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