Founder of Life International Church, Prophet Amos Kambale, last week displayed strange powers of healing, delivering and prophesying when he performed unbelievable miracles during the Passover Night of Prayers his church organized in Lilongwe.
The night conference took place on Good Friday at the church’s venue at Mbinzi Community Day Secondary School located in Area 3.
One of the participants, a lady who had come all the way from Blantyre to attend the Friday Passover Miracle Night, could not believe when Prophet Kambale prophesied to her about her falling marriage.
Kambale told her the challenges they had been going through to the extent that the husband was about to leave the house.
Filled with joy of disbelief, the woman took out from her bag a shirt of her husband so that the prophet could touch.
When she went back to Blantyre the following day, the woman was shocked to see the husband wearing a happy face and ready to welcome her. In fact, the elated husband prepared water for her to bathe, cooked for her and bought all groceries and necessities in the house something he never did for months.
The same man who previously was stopping his wife from attending church services initiated that they together went to church the following day on Sunday, 9th April! The marriage is now fully restored with love flowing like fire.
Within the same night a single mother who wanted marriage so much got a marriage proposal by SMS from a business fellow! Also, a Sunday before, right in church service a young man was called for a job interview of which he secured the job within the week.

Another woman, Chrissy Chisuse, came all the way from Ntcheu. She was the first to arrive at the church venue at around 3 pm for a meeting that was billed to start at 6 pm.
She had pains in all her legs and joints. She was not able to sit down for long and walking was a problem. Medical and traditional doctors could not relieve her of the pains she was constantly experiencing.
A friend of hers “Bertha from Ntcheu” told her about Prophet Kambale and she made it her purpose to visit the church during the Passover Miracle Night conference on 7th April.
Immediately after being prayed for by Prophet Kambale she received her healing. She was able to move around the church without pain. Thank you Jesus, you are the Healer that we know.
During this same night, several people testified that they were healed just the moment they entered the church hall without being prayed for.
During the same night the prophet also launched his website which also chronicles miracles under the iTestify menu.
Prophet Amos Kambale claims that he can heal any disease by the power of God anytime. He claims to have healed people from HIV, cancer even raised the dead.