After successfully holding a mid-year conference that focused on Continued Professional Development (CPD), Surveyors Institute of Malawi (SIM) is organizing yet another premier annual lake conference to take place at Sunbird Livingstonia Hotel in Salima.
This year’s theme is “The role of surveyors in smart cities development, key features towards 2063 agenda.”
Members of this professional body are recognised as having an important part to play in the land administration/management, construction cost estimation and project management and real estate management/valuation and hence development of the country.
SIM is having yet another meeting and this time around the meeting is have key presenters who will outline issues bordering on the profession.
Chairperson of the organizing Committee, Precious Chisi, confirmed the indaba, decribing it as so crucial.
Chisi said the meeting will be opened on 5 September 2023, and will be concluded on 6 September, adding that it is on 6 September 2023 when elections will be held.

According to the organizing committee chairperson, the Minister of Lands, Deus Gumba, will grace the AGM.
SIM has since appealed to well-wishers to contribute in various ways towards the preparation of the conference.
“We are a professional body with very few members and our source of finance is mainly membership subscription fees. This source of resource does put the Institute into limitations to do much more than it usually anticipates. It is in view of this back ground that we are requesting for possibility to sponsor this CPD, which we feel is timely to look at issues that impinge on collaborative activities in the built environment and come up with policy direction towards a responsible practice,” he said.
Meanwhile registration is happening at a conference fee of K200,000 for members and K250,000 for non members
Few month ago, SIM organized another impactful Mid-Year CPD Conference which took place at Crossroads Hotel in Lilongwe from 4-5 May.
The guest of honor was Honourable Deus Gumba MP, Minister of Lands and the theme for the conference was “Ethically Empowered Surveyors- The catalyst for National Development”.
SIMalawi was formed in 1975. It is a professional grouping that contains the following broad fields of activities; Land surveying, Hydrographic surveying, Geological surveying, Land economy and Quantity surveying in Malawi. in 1975, members of SIM are responsible for Land management, a process by which the resources of land are put to good effect and land administration which carter for the transfer of rights in land from one party to another through sale, lease, loan, gift and inheritance; the regulating of land and property development; the use and conservation of land; the gathering of revenues from the land through sales, leasing, and taxation; and the resolving of conflicts concerning the ownership and the use of land.