Recently, a new addition in technology has caught the attention of both vendors and consumers, an innovative sugarcane cutter that allows customers to buy and enjoy freshly cut sugarcane right on the spot.
This new development is not only enhancing the market experience but also ensuring high standards of environmental hygiene and boosting Malawi’s economy.
Traditionally, customers in Lilongwe purchase whole stalks of sugarcane to take home and cut themselves, often consuming it along the way and discarding trash wherever they see fit.
This demanding process deterred many from regularly purchasing sugarcane for consumption.
It stood as a barrier to the economic stand, such an inconvenience has been eliminated with the presence of the sugarcane cutter, an equipment that enable sellers to swiftly cut the sugarcane into ready-to-eat pieces, providing an immediate treat for customers.
Aside from boosting the economy, the cutter which also assures hygiene, stands equipped with stainless steel blades, designed to be easily cleaned and sanitized ensuring that customers receive a safe and clean product.
The convenience and improved hygiene have led to a significant boost in sugarcane sales, vendors report increased customer satisfaction and higher sales volumes.
The ability to offer ready-to-eat sugarcane has attracted more customers, including those who were previously reluctant to buy it.
One of the merchandisers, Isaac Lusiyano, who goes around with his sugarcane cutter cycle said: “Most customers enjoy our provision as it is very inclusive and can be consumed everywhere, be it in an office, in your car or anywhere else.”
Lusiyano emphasised on the need for many to utilise the provision of fleshly cut ready to consume sugarcane.

Most residents in Lilongwe are unaware of this new development and still tend to throw sugarcane remains anywhere.
The advent and embrace of the cutter sets environmental hygiene to a notable standard, it is expected to observe a hygiene environment as customers are provided with two plastic bags, one for sugarcane and one for the remains, which is later collected by the sellers and later on sold to pig farmers for food, to other farmers for manure and more, something which was not done before.
In an article published by Nyasa times in 2014, one from Civil Society Agriculture Network (CISANET) said: “I think it is high time Malawi started thinking of recycling as a way forward with regards to waste management.”
He stressed that all Malawians ought to practice proper waste management especially at household level and keep their surroundings clean.
“Let us develop a “clean culture” and the Ministry of Local Government should learn from Rwanda how their counterparts there successfully nurture and groom the clean culture.
“Their streets are clean from cities to rural towns and villages. We have a sorry state in Malawi where people would chew sugarcane anyhow and litter the roads all over the place and we all just watch. We have to get started by engaging tough gears,” he added.

The advent of the sugarcane cutter portrays a revolutionalized Malawi in its goal to achieving a healthy and safe environment for all to dwell in.
One of the customers Joseph White commended the development saying, “Things have improved, the process is hygienic and waste is separated, only if a lot of Malawians would adopt this new development our towns would look a lot better and improved.”
The sugarcane cutter has become a popular feature in Lilongwe market catching the attention of many who see it there, well known shops have also adopted the selling of fleshly cut sugarcane drawing both regular and new customers who are curious about it.
The introduction of the sugarcane cutter in Lilongwe’s markets is a shining example of how innovation can enhance traditional practices. By providing quick service and maintaining high hygiene standards, this development is greatly improving the market experience for both vendors and customers.
As the community continues to embrace this new technology, it promises to make Lilongwe’s markets even more dynamic and enjoyable.