Women entrepreneurs and business network around Songwe border have underscored significance of involving them in peace building activities saying they have a crucial role in combating child labour and human trafficking related issues.
This came to light today when Pamoza Tingakwaniska Youth Organization organized a meeting with the women aimed at sensitizing them on their peace building role, leading them to formulating a committee for Mwandenga women in entrepreneurship group.
Chairperson for Mwandenga women in entrepreneurship group, Victoria Mwakhwawa highlighted prevalent child labour and human trafficking issues in the border area, citing poverty as a driving force.
“Due to poverty in families, young boys and girls prefer to look for greener pasture in Tanzania under a trick of agents as they think that grass is greener on the other side while others seek employment in restaurants and car washing spots around the border leading to school dropout,” Mwakhwawa said.

She has since emphasized importance of their involvement in curbing these vices through collaboration with relevant authority and organizations.
“So having our grouping involved through the formulated committee will fasten curbing the vice thereby bringing peace in our areas of trade and communities since amongst us are business owners and parents who are well aware of how the vice is conducted, we will therefore collaborate with all relevant authority,” she said.
Karonga District Gender Officer, Ireen Mwenelupembe commended the initiative of involving women entrepreneurs describing it as vital in ending child trafficking and related issues.
“This is a very reliable tool, it will help young girls who are trafficked to Tanzania for labour as these women know what surround the children and they will sensitize communities around the border so that children refrain from going to Tanzania and also parents refrain from sending them out for labour,” Mwenelupembe said.
Programs Manager for Pamoza Tingakwaniska Youth Organization, Gomezgani Mhango expressed hope that involving such women in the project will lead to lasting solutions.

“Through this project, we are engaging youths and women who are into entrepreneurship with an aim of sensitizing and mobilizing them on how they can play a role in addressing child trafficking, labour and sexual reproductive health issues hoping to fight the vice with lasting solutions,” she said.
The meeting, conducted under a Peace Building project with support from United Nation’s Secretary General’s Peace Building Fund through United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is being implemented in Karonga District by Pamoza Tingakwaniska in partnership with Foundation for Civic Education and Social Empowerment (FOCESE).
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