Zomba District Council on Tuesday approved a K37.1 Billion budget for the 2024 /2025 financial year.
Of the total, K27.5 Million has been allocated for personal emoluments, K255 Million for District Development Fund(DDF), K900 Million for Constituency Development Fund(CDF) and K108 Million for water fund.
The council has also set aside K1.4 Billion for the rehabilitation of health facilities, K2.4 billion as Other Recurrent Transactions (ORT) and K1.8 Billion as GESD funds.
Speaking after the approval, Chairperson for Zomba district council, Baster Chirwa said the expectation of each member of the council and the people of Zomba is that the budget will address some of their needs while fostering development.
Chirwa said the 2024/2025 budget has included crucial projects such as completion of health clinics, construction of school blocks and market shades, things that will directly improve people’s lives.

“This is a citizen budget and there is a lot that we expect from it. Among others, we expect to see sustainable food security and steady income at household level,” said Chirwa.
District Commissioner (DC), Reinghard Chavula said the aim of the 2024/ 2025 budget is to ensure that the objectives of the council are achieved.
Among others, Chavula said the budget seeks to improve accessibility of essential services and mobility through accelerated infrastructure development.
Chavula also said the budget will likely enhance social economic lives of the people through improved access to quality health care and sustainable alternative livelihoods.
“The budget has included all funds that the district expects to get including that of projects and it is our expectation that the aspirations and wishes of people of Zomba would be achieved” he said.
He however said the council has prioritized the completion of all projects whose construction works are underway or stalled before starting new ones
Member of Parliament for Zomba Chingale Constituency, Loney Chijele expressed satisfaction with the budget, observing it will directly benefit the people of Zomba.