Bishop Priest Rabbi Kabvina ordained, appointed president of Christian Association of Malawi

Watipaso Mzungu
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The Christian Associations Worldwide and Christian Association Worldwide of Malawi, Episcopal Bishopric Ordination for Interdenominational Bishops last weekend sanctified, ordained and appointed Bishop Priest-Rabbi Kabvina as the president of the Christian Association of Malawi.

The ordination entails that Kabvina is now among the High Priests in the Order of Melchizedek following his ordination by he Rod of High Priesthood.

Speaking after the ordination, Kabvina described his ordination as unique and a true manifestation of the call of God.

He said unlike in other churches and ministries, he did not just wake up and started calling himsef a lot of titles like BISHOP, PROPHET, APOSTLE as many people do.

Rabbi Kabvina
Kabvina: This is a manifestation of God’s calling

“But when GOD is involved we follow protocols. In the Kingdom of God, the authority is given to the Church to bind or to loose. Now there are two types of ordination, denominational and interdenominational. Interdenominational ordination means someone has been given authority to operate in the Body of Christ, denominational ordination means someone is given authority to operate in that denomination only. So what has happened is beyond a denomination,” said one of the ordaining bishops.

Quoting Holy Scriptures, Kabvina emphasized that like YESHUA JESUS told John the Baptist in Mathew 3:15, “it is good for us to fulfill all righteousness”.

“Isaiah 9:6 says for to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. There is a difference between a child and a son, a child relies on his father on day to day life, but a son is someone the father relies on, he can be sent on errands without doubting him.’

“This ordination is not just a mere laying of hands but it is an ordination from God sending me worldwide to preach the gospel. I used to be a child now I am a son whom the father is relying on to feed his sheep knowing that I will feed them and direct them according to his will. As Bishop Dr Abraham J. Simama had indicated, it is true twenty years ago I was running away from the calling when he told me I was going to become a servant of God, I now thank God that I accepted the calling and I am glad to be the youngest Bishop in Malawi since people regards Bishops to be people who are older with grey hair, it is an honor to serve God at a young age like this,” he said.

The ordination

“Mostly when you get in your twenties God starts teaching you about the ordinances of heaven before announcing you to the world, and once you get 30 that’s when you start your full time ministry, Numbers 4:23. Just like Jesus Christ started his ministry at 30 years old it doesn’t mean he wasn’t called when he was young, but God waited for his appointed time and he was declared to the world. The same with me, I was born with God, I have pass through training and Process and I have been raised to become that which God has appointed me to be come, now it’s a season of appearing before the second coming our LORD YESHUA JESUS CHRIST THE MESSIAH, the King of glory,” he added.

Kabvina described his ordination as a memorable event in his life, saying it means a new beginning in my life, closing the old dispensation and opening new dispensation.

“Just like Aron’s rod was sprouting, my life will sprout and with the anointing that I have tapped from the Spirit of Elohim Adonai our God who was ordaining me, I am ready to go out in the world and deliver nothing but the word of God in truth and in spirit. We need support amongst us as Christians from the four corners of the earth to defeat the Kingdom of Darkness,” he said.

Christian Associations Worldwide is an interdenominational network, organization, fellowship of all Christians and all Christian churches and denomination, with a vision to promote Christian unity in every country of the world.

Its goal is to establish its association in every country across the world. Currently, it has four national branches of this association, including, the Christian Association of Malawi, the Christian Association of Zambia, the Christian Association of India, the Christian Association of Pakistan. It also expects to establish at least seven continental head offices in the seven continents of the world.

In Malawi, Bishop Priest Rabbi Kabvina has been officially appointed as the president of the Christian Association of Malawi, and he is expected to work with other councils of CAMW to pursue their vision and achieve their goals and objectives.

Other bishops serving in this association include Bishop Joseph Mambala and Bishop Dr. Glory Joshua who is the Acting President of the Christian Association Worldwide.

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