Chitipa District Hospital (DHO) has confirmed one case of cholera and nine suspected cases at Kapenda Health Centre in Senior Chief Mwabulambya in Chitipa District.
In an interview, Chitipa District Hospital Spokesperson, Masida Nyirongo, confirmed the cholera outbreak.
Nyirongo said that patients at the health centre have been presenting with signs and symptoms of cholera and are all receiving treatment at the health facility.
“Cases have been increasing and we have ten cases as of today (Tuesday). Results of one suspected case from the laboratory indicate positive. So once one is cholera positive automatically it is an outbreak,” Nyirongo said.

He said that Chitipa DHO staff are on the ground at Kapenda to assess the situation.
Senior Chief Mwabulambya expressed concern with the news, saying it also occurred same time last year.
He further said that there is a need to engage all stakeholders to support the health workers to go on the ground and sensitise the masses on the importance of having pit latrines and practicing good hygiene.
Last year Chitipa district registered 96 cholera cases and three deaths, which hit the northern part of Chitipa district.