Civil Society Network on Climate Change (CISONECC) has organised a dialogue meeting with stakeholders and authorities on 28th June 2024 to address the human rights implications of climate change.
The activity comes under the Climate Just Community (CJC) initiative which stands as a flagship program under the Scottish Government’s Climate Justice Fund, facilitated by DAI UK International.
Within this framework, CISONECC spearheads the implementation of the CJC project to Accelerate Climate Action through Advancement of Inter-Generational Equity Principles and Sound Enabling Environment, a critical initiative aimed at bridging capacity gaps within local structures and enhancing their connections with duty bearers.
In collaboration with partners including Government, Link Community Development, Centre for Integrated Community Development, Evangelical Lutheran Development Service, Water Aid, Water Witness, Organization for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development Initiative, World Relief Malawi, DAI UK International, CISONECC seeks to amplify the voices of communities vulnerable to climate change.
A concept note from CISONECC identified as a significant challenge within the scope of the CJC project, the limited understanding among community members of their human rights in the context of climate change.

The insufficient acknowledgment and incorporation of climate justice and inter-generational equity principles within policy and legislative frameworks, presents additional hurdles.
Against this background, the civil society network has organised a dialogue meeting with various stakeholders and authorities aimed at addressing the human rights implications of climate change.
“The purpose of this dialogue is to empower program participants with knowledge and understanding on climate justice principles and advocacy in order to effectively demand the realization of their human rights in relation to climate change in line with their lived experiences.
“The main objective of this activity is to facilitate inclusive dialogue between stakeholders and authorities on the human rights implications of climate change and Loss and Damage in Malawi, in order to empower communities to share their experiences, advocate for their rights, and generate actionable recommendations for improving climate justice” reads the note.
Additionally, the CJC project provides a platform for project participants to engage in decision-making processes characterized by fairness, accountability, and transparency.

“This opportunity is essential for nurturing a culture of climate justice, as it enables the voices of the most vulnerable to be heard. By empowering participants to take action on issues affecting their health and well-being, and by holding duty bearers accountable for addressing their needs, the CJC project facilitates meaningful progress towards climate justice goals”.
Malawi is actively pursuing a series of initiatives to enhance understanding of the critical need to establish mechanisms for planning and adequately financing climate change adaptation and loss and damage.
These include the finalization of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP), capitalization of the Climate Change Fund, development of regulations under the Disaster Risk Management Act (2023) and revision of the 2016 National Climate Change Management Policy.
Hit by different disasters and natural calamities since 2015, Malawi is also strengthening mechanisms to support efforts in addressing, averting, and minimizing loss and damage associated with climate change impacts.