CSQ to walk from Blantyre to Thyolo

Petro Mkandawire - Mana
2 Min Read

Cancer Survivors Quest (CSQ) will on February 2, 2025, conduct a 40 kilometres World Cancer Day walkathon from Blantyre Old Town Hall to Thyolo under the theme ‘United by Unique’ to raise cancer awareness.

CSQ Executive Director, Chikhulupiliro Ng’ombe told Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Friday that apart from raising cancer awareness, the walk to Thyolo n is meant to encourage cancer survivors and the general population to engage in physical exercises.

“We are holding the walkathon as a way of trying to raise funds to support cancer patients. In this year’s awareness, we have decided that the funds should go to the patient support programme.

“Through this big walk, we want people to see us, interact with us and share cancer messages to increase the desire for physical activity to the masses,” added Ng’ombe.

He disclosed that CSQ will also raise funds through a series of awareness to reach out to cancer patients considering that every year the organization supports five cancer patients.

CSQ Executive Director Chikhulupiliro Ng’ombe,

Established in 2000 by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), World Cancer Day is commemorated every year on February 4 to mobilise global action towards cancer prevention and to address the global cancer epidemic.

One of the World Cancer Day walkathon participants, Isaac Naluso commended the CSQ for organizing the cancer awareness saying there was a need for wider awareness to mobilise support for cancer support.

“I am well prepared to walk this long distance because it is part of support towards those that are suffering from cancer.,” added Naluso.

According to CSO, the theme; United by Unique; focuses on the fact that people have unique stories, needs, perspectives and situations that need to be taken into consideration when shaping care and the health system.

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