DPP suspends 2 NGC members over court injunction

Watipaso Mzungu
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5 Min Read

Former governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has suspended two members of its National Governing Council (NGC) for obtaining a court order that stopped a meeting that was scheduled to take place at Nkopola Lodge last Saturday.

The two NGC members are Fredrick Billy Malata and Ken Chitatata Msonda.

Malata, who is the party’s deputy director of political affairs, obtained the injunction to stop the DPP from conducting NGC meeting 24th June, 2023, citing an irregularity where the party’s politburo aligned staged individuals that are not members of the NGC to replace other bonafide members whom the party does not desire their presence due to an ongoing imbroglio and scuffle between divided camps.

DPP supporters during a convention in 2019

This arrangement, according to arguments by Malata’s lawyer, Wapona Kita, in court is a complete violation of the DPP’s constitution. The Court found substance in the argument and allowed an injunction that accompanied an order for the party to organize its intended assembly according to the applicable law.

The NGC meeting was called to appoint dates for the party’s elective conference.

But thas not gone down well with the party, which has since announced expulsion of Malata and Msonda from the fold.

In a statement signed and issued by DPP spokesperson, Shadric Namalomba, the former ruling party says Malata and Msonda have been suspended for obtaining a court injunction against the party’s intent to hold its NGC meeting.

Another outstanding scuffle that has devastated the image of the DPP over its continuing tenure in opposition involve the rivalry between the party’s Secretary General, Grezelder Jeffrey, who was duly elected at the party’s convention as the party’s mouthpiece and the purported make-shift mouth piece, Shadric Namalomba who was individually appointed by the party’s president, Peter Mutharika, initially as Mutharika’s personal spokesperson and now usurping the party’s Secretary General role of speaking for the party.

Incessant court battles have resulting in Grezelder re-claiming her official position as SG through court order and as if to defy such relief obtained by the SG, the Mutharika-anointed mouthpiece, Namalomba, continues to dominate the party’s announcements, pushing the lawful mouthpiece on the margins.

In the recent act of this nature of defiance, Namalomba has proudly announced a purported expulsion of the two NGC members saying their expulsion is desired for the party’s intended focus on unity, progress and pursuit of greater for its people, saying the injunction by the two has compromised these claimed aspirations.

“We, the leadership of the Democratic Progressive Party, are writing this open letter to address the recent court injunction obtained by Hon. Fredrick Malata in an attempt to halt the National Governing Council meeting. This action has not only disrupted the smooth functioning of our party but also caused unnecessary divisions among our members,” reads the announcement in part, extending that: as a result, we have no choice but to relieve these officials of their duties within the party effective immediately.”

However, the suspended duo have told journalists that their purported expulsion has not followed any of the established procedure of administrative actions within the party as they have not been called to any hearing whatsoever before this decision, which is said to have been unilaterally made by Mutharika, could be made.

“This is clear violation of the law as the party’s president does not have unilateral power to expel any member from the NGC except through a resolution of the NCG itself”, said the victim of the said unlawful expulsion.

It is reported that the duo intends to challenge the purported expulsion, further extending the conflict and rivalry within the party that has been daunted big time by the spirit of lawlessness.

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