Eagles Relief engages ADCs on climate resilience

Nthanda Times Reporter
2 Min Read

Eagles Relief and Development Programme International, with support from Zurich Climate Resilience Alliance, engaged Area Development Committees (ADCs) of traditional authorities (TAs) Kasisi and Katunga in Chikwawa to enhance community participation and build capacity on climate resilience.

Briefing stakeholders in Chikwawa on Wednesday, Eagle Relief and Development Programme International District Coordinator, Thomas Moyo, said the organisation seeks to build community resilience to strengthen capacity to manage disasters in the district.

“We conducted meetings to orient ADCs and gain their support as we implement the resilience project. ADCs are important structures at community level because they facilitate various development activities,” he said.

Eagle Relief and Development Programme International engages ADC members on issues of climate change and disaster.

Emmanuel Bisiwasi, who represented TA Katunga, expressed satisfaction with the project, saying it will help people in his area in disaster preparedness and mitigation.

Katunga ADC member, Samuel Kamtsitsi, commended Eagle Relief and Development Programme International for orientating and building capacity of the ADC on climate change and disaster.

He observed that ADC members understood their roles and expressed hope that they will actively participate in project implementation.

The project, which is is expected to run for four years, will be implemented in five TAs of Katunga, Kasisi, Ngowe, Ndabwera and Ngabu, with an estimated budget of K165 million in the first year.

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