Grandfather, uncle arrested for killing toddler in Mchinji

Limbani Mpinganjira
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2 Min Read

Police in Mchinji have taken into custody Kilinto Eliyasi, 48 (uncle) and Freckson Lebiyamu, 60 (grandfather) for kidnapping and murdering their 1 year and 4 months nephew and grandson respectively Chisomo Sungani on March 5, 2022 at Makhuma Village, Traditional Authority M’duwa in Mchinji.

Police have filed up reports that on that day, the two suspects connived and took Chisomo Sungani (the deceased) from the company of his peers when he was playing around home and they killed him and sold-out the corpse for ritual purposes.

Ignorant of her son’s fate, the mother kept searching in all imaginable spots upon noticing that her son was missing. Peers to the deceased revealed that they had seen the young boy with his uncle, Kilinto Eliyasi who took him along to unknown destination.

Lebiyamu and Eliyasi, under Police Custody

During the same year, 2022, the matter got reported to the Village Headman who later took the matter to Mikundi Police Unit and investigations were instituted.

Fast-forward April 2024, Kamwendo Police received reports that it is being rumoured that Kilinto Eliyasi and Freckson Lebiyamu plotted about the death of the young boy.

Police have since arrested the two and are in custody, expected to appear before the court to answer the charge of Kidnaping /Abducting Child In Order To Murder contravening section 261 of the Penal Code.

Chisomo Sungani, the deceased hailed from Ngwena Village, Traditional Authority Ndindi in Salima while the Kilinto Eliyasi and Freckson Lebiyamu hail from Makhuma Village under Traditional Authority Mduwa in Mchinji.

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