Parents in Dedza and Phalombe districts have given the ongoing nationwide typhoid, polio, measles and rubella immunization campaign an overwhelming response, a development that has given authorities at the Capital Hill confidence that they will achieve their goal.
In collaboration with its partners, the Ministry of Health is administering the vaccines having launched the one-week campaign in Balaka last week.
This week, the ministry has taken journalists on a tour to selected districts to appreciate the progress. Government says vaccines are the most effective and surest way of preventing preventable diseases.

The journalists on tour have already been to Dedza and Phalombe districts where parents have given the campaign enormous support by taking their children to be vaccinated in their respective designated places.
Senior Health Surveillance Assistant (SHSA) at Chongoni Health Centre, Austin Chapotera, described the campaign as a great milestone.
“We have started well in our duties as we already done a good job in mobilization as chiefs and community people have been told through some organized rallies about the impact of getting these vaccines, and so far in two days we have reached at least 60 above children and mostly are getting the Typhoid vaccine and we hope as we go on the turn up will be increasing, we are pretty sure about that, so far we have not registered any case of typhoid within our catchment area,” Chapotera said.