Mchinji young women fight for economic justice, gender equality

Vincent Khonje - Mana
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Young Urban Women (YUW) Network in Mchinji has raised concerns about the impact of debt and taxation on women’s livelihoods.

The concern was made on Tuesday during a multi-sector engagement where they interacted with government officials, chiefs, councillors, and Civil Society Organisation (CSO) network.

The network urged stakeholders to take action on issues affecting them, particularly debt and tax justice, decent work, unpaid care work, and ending gender-based violence.

Chairperson of the Mchinji YUW network, Nellie Pulumuka, said there is a serious bearing of government debt and taxation on women’s livelihoods, since when debt rises, development projects that could benefit women are hindered.

She said, in addition, heavy taxation on goods and services affects small-scale businesses, which many young women rely on for income.

“As women, we strongly feel that government debts and taxes in the country should not impact us negatively. Considering the state of the economy now, it is women who suffer the most. We are the ones who shoulder all the burdens, including caring for children and the sick, especially when our businesses struggle or collapse,” Pulumuka said.

Young Urban Women
Pulumuka: women suffer most when businesses collapse

CSO representative, Gilbert M’bwana, concurred with the young women saying civil society has a role in advocating for economic justice for women.

“When government debt increases, it affects development initiatives that could empower women. Many young women run small scale businesses, and high government debt and taxes negatively impact them.

“Additionally, when debts affect the economy, companies struggle to create jobs, resulting in lack of decent work that women can take up,” said M’bwana.

Mchinji Council Chairperson, Dorothy Musa, said the active engagement by young women is a positive step towards women empowerment.

“I am happy to see young women coming out to voice their concerns. This is a good sign of empowerment. Mchinji is a district that is making strides in promoting women in leadership and when women rise into leadership positions, their voices will be heard,” she said.

Young Urban Women Movement also known as Feminist Hub builds the capacity of young women on macro-economic policies.

The Mchinji movement is under the Valuing Women’s Work Project implemented by Action Aid Malawi with support from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

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