Mwanza Police Station has engaged Gule Wamkulu to help raise awareness on the negative impacts of gender based violence (GBV) and child marriages in the district’s hard to reach areas.
Speaking at start of the GBV campaign at Mchotseni Village, Traditional (TA) Authority Kanduku in the district, Superintendent Milita Thebulo, urged parents and guardians to send their children to school other than forcing them to marry at the expense of education.
“Anyone taking part in arranging child marriages is committing a crime because it is a violation of child rights and is subject to prosecution,” said Thebulo.
Mwanza Police Station Community Policing Coordinator, Sub Inspector Mohamed Kulisinje, said involvement of Gule Wamkulu has proven to be an effective way of disseminating GBV and child marriage messages.
He added that this helps in mobilising large numbers of people within a short period of time.

“Gule Wamkulu is a great dance and is highly valued among the Chewa and popular all over. It has proved to be a crowd puller in our awareness campaign such that GBV and child marriage message reach out to the people in large numbers,” said Kulisinje.
Representative of the Chewa Heritage Foundation (CHEFO) Mwanza Chapter, Singireti Morson, applauded Mwanza Police for engaging Gule Wamkulu in various activities, saying this helps to promote Chewa cultural values while disseminating messages of national importance.
He hailed the cordial relationshipthat exists between the police and CHEFO Mwanza Chapter in addressing issues of social concern.