Some families in Mzimba South have hailed Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP) for enabling them construct and live in decent houses following their enrolment into the programme.
Speaking in an interview on Monday in Traditional Authority (TA) Khonsolo, 83 year Clywell Shaba from Chibaye Shaba Village said his family of seven used to live in a grass thatched house until he was enrolled into SCTP in 2015.
“It never crossed my mind that I would live in an iron sheet corrugated house because I had no means to enable me afford that dream. However, enrolment into the programme has helped me own a decent house,” said Shaba.

He said K18,000 his household has been getting every two months has helped him construct a three bedroomed house.
Another villager Moses Mkandawire, 59, from Mapira Shaba Village said apart from building a house, he is able to send his children to school through the programme.
“We invest the money into village savings and loan (VSL) groups whose interests enable us buy fertiliser and also pay school fees for our children. This year we will have a bumper harvest because of the same programme as we managed to buy fertiliser,” said Mkandawire, a man with visual impairment.

Both Shaba and Mkandawire appealed to government to consider revising upwards the K18,000 they receive every two months saying recent devaluation has eroded the buying power of the currency.
According to M’mbelwa District Council Social Welfare Officer responsible for Social Cash Transfer, Shadreck Mingo, the families of Mkandawire and Shaba represent some success stories registered from social cash transfer in the district.
“Government and its donor partners run these programmes to ensure people have decent livelihoods and also manage to send their children to school. When we hear them talk about how the programme has transformed their lives we glow with exhilarating pride,” said Mingo.
The programme is targeting over 14,000 beneficiaries in Mzimba.