Last Sunday on 31st March, there were tearful celebrations inside Life International Church at Mbinzi Day Secondary school hall, in Lilongwe as a couple from Njewa was testifying in front of a fully packed auditorium that Prophet Amos Kambale raised their dead baby back to life!
The family of Mr. Marlon and Rhoda Yasaliko from Njewa in Lilongwe was all smiles while the woman was holding a purple dressed jovial baby girl
Earlier last year, in October, the family had sadly lost their 4 year old first born son.
Then, in December, when the lady was 7 months pregnant, she was sickly and the couple decided to attend Prophet Kambale’s church for prayers for the first time. There, after she was prayed for, all the pains instantly left her and she was able to run around church. Furthermore, Prophet Amos Kambale prophesied to the woman that she would deliver very well without any complications.
On 6th February, 2024 the woman was due for delivery, and the couple went to Chitedze Health Centre. Medical check up there revealed that the child inside the woman’s womb was dead. The couple was so devastated and hopeless. The health centre doctors advised them to get prepared for Dilation and Curettage (D&C) surgery to remove the dead baby from the womb. Consequently, they were referred to Bwaila (Bottom hospital) for that procedure.
The same day they departed at 10PM to Bwaila hospital. There, doctors also carried out tests and again results confirmed that the baby in the womb was dead. Upon hearing this second unpleasant medical test result they knew only God could help their situation. Denying the medical report, they left Bottom hospital, went home and the following Sunday, they went to Prophet Kambale’s church for prayers. The prophet reversed the curse and prophetically declared life concerning safe delivery and that the baby in the womb shall live!

Hours later, there started movements in the woman’s womb and the following day by the grace of God, labour started and she delivered a live baby girl whom the couple has named, Isabel which means “devoted to God” or “God is my oath.”
Asked whether the claim of the testimony should be taken seriously, the Prophet said, ” this is purely the act of God. You see, two health facilities could not make the same error. No! The baby was indeed dead but we believe in resurrection. That’s why we give glory to God for what we are witnessing today. Take prophetic words seriously”.
Within the same service, when the prophet directed that everyone who was sick should touch the place where they were feeling pain, almost everyone was healed despite the variety and magnitude of their health condition.
Recently, Prophet Kambale has been performing jaw dropping miracles. This is attested by multitudes of people who are flocking to his prayers from all corners of the country.
The testimonies in the last Sunday service also included financial breakthroughs, favour for finding a job for example, a young man who was always rejected whenever he applied for a job, claimed to have secured a job within a week after the prophet prayed for him. Again, a lady got her contract approved 3 days after prayers were offered to her, which had taken several months without approval. She had travelled all the way from Neno. People using walking aids were also seen dropping them, going home healed without any pain.
This sunday the 7th of April, the Prophet says it’s a special Sunday of Deliverance and Prophetic Service where he is optimistic that God will set His people free from all troubles of this life.
Prophet Kambale claims to have powers to heal any disease including medically incurable diseases, heal broken marriages and deliver people from poverty.