Prophet Samuel urges Malawians to desist from dependency syndrome

Steven Godfrey Mkweteza
2 Min Read

Prophet Francis T. Samuel of the Light of Life Ministries International Church has urged Malawians to start exploring other strategies of sustaining their lives instead of depending on government for everything.

Samuel said this in an interview during a day long business seminar, which his church organised in Blantyre.

According to the Blantyre-based prophet, dependency syndrome has not helped to develop the country but made many malawians to be lazy as they wait for the handouts.

“Malawians need not solely depend on politicians for their survival. They need to find ways of sustaining their own lives because these politicians have also many things to do to sustain their own lives during this time when our country is facing economic challenges,” he said

Prophet Samuel: Dependency syndrome is negatively affecting the country’s development

Among others, the pentecost church prophet urged malawians to invest in skills development avenues that he says can compel foreign based companies to support them.

“Enterepreneurship is the way to go during this time of economic challenges rather than to depend on employment and handouts from politicians,” said the prophet

Among others, the founder of Light of Life ministries international has urged christians across the country to balance between physical and spiritual life to survive in the economic challenges the country continues to face. 

The prophet noted that many christians solely depend on prayers rather than venturing into fields that would make them survive while on earth.

” The bible says God shall bless the work of your hands and will answer prayers. So it is very important to pray and work hard to sustain both our spiritual and physical lives,” said the prophet.

Light of Life international ministries was founded in 2009 and officially launched in 2013 with its headquarters in Blantyre.

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