RIESEH Project distributes wheel-chairs to learners with disabilities

Watipaso Mzungu
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2 Min Read

Research, Inclusive Education, Sanitation and Environmental Hygiene (RIESEH) Project has distributed wheel-chairs to learners with disabilities in Lilongwe Rural East and Dedza North East Education Divisions.

Emmanuel University is implementing RIESEH Project with financial support from its German partner, Bread for the World.

The university is an education institution of the Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) and it offers diploma and degree programmes, which include Bachelor of Education majoring in languages, theology and religious studies, life skills, history, geography and social studies.

A MACOHA official (squatting) measuring the child before allocating her a wheel-chair

Speaking after distributing the wheel-chairs to seven learners on Monday, RIESEH Project coordinator Jeffrey Maganga reaffirmed the university’s commitment to complementing government efforts to promoting inclusive education by creating a conducive learning environment for all.

Maganga said distribution of wheel-chairs to learners with disabilities is one of the initiatives the project is undertaking to address mobility challenges among learners with disabilities.

“We have, so far, distributed seven wheel-chairs, totaled at MK2.6 million inclusive of operation costs. We are very grateful to our partner for providing resources for the procurement of these wheel-chairs,” he said.

An official putting a child on a wheel-chair

Speaking on behalf of parents with learners with disabilities, Rose Chikumbutso, commended the university for initiating the project.

Chikumbutso said the project has helped to improve school attendance among learners with disabilities.

RIESEH Project was launched on 1st October 2021 and will run until June 2024.

Apart from wheel-chairs, the project has distributed hearing aids to 12 learners with hearing impairments, 152 learners got free spectacles, nine disability-friendly toilets were constructed, 11 classroom blocks were rehabilitated while teachers and mother groups were trained in special needs education.

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